▪️Date and time:
*Days and times vary depending on the course and the situation at the time.
We will discuss the details in the interview.
*Not available when classes are not in session.
If this is your first time, please apply for an interview first.
Day of week
Once a week~
Basic: Saturday and Sunday
Up to 2 hours at a time
Fukaya City Hanazono General Branch
Hanazono Community Center
5 minutes by car from “Fukaya Hanazono Premium Outlets”
4 minutes by car from “Michi-no-eki Hanazono”
2 minutes by car and 10 minutes on foot from Chichibu Line “Omaeda” station

Organization name

Manager:Fukuda / Sub manager:Nakanishi / Number of officers: 3

Fukaya City Collaboration Promotion Division/ Fukaya City Board of Education/ Fukaya City Social Welfare Council/ Yorii Town Lifelong Learning Division/ (*Title omitted)

This organization aims to improve the local language education environment, protect human rights, and promote peace by holding language courses in foreign languages such as Japanese and English for the citizens with foreign roots. Through these activities, we strive to develop a multicultural society and develop diverse human resources, and aim to revitalize local communities and contribute to a safe, secure, peaceful, and sustainable society. We also carry out advocacy activities aimed at realizing the SDGs of gender equality and SRHR. Through this activity, we aim to respect the voices of those involved as citizens and contribute to improving the medical and welfare environment.

Types of nonprofit activities
This organization conducts the following types of specified non-profit activities: (1) Activities to promote academics and culture (2) Activities to promote social education (3) Activities to protect human rights or promote peace (4) Activities to promote the formation of a gender-equal society (5) Activities for the healthy development of children (6) Activities that support the development of vocational skills or the expansion of employment opportunities (7) International cooperation activities (8) Activities aimed at promoting health, medical care, or welfare

This organization will carry out the following types of specified non-profit activities in order to achieve the objectives set forth in the preceding article. (1)Language education business (2)Language instructor training project (3) Projects aimed at protecting human rights or promoting peace. (4) Advocacy activities aimed at realizing gender equality

nihongo8@protonmail.com / genki8@nihongo.miray8.com
Working hours:Saturday,Sunday 14:30 p.m. ~ 16:00 p.m.

Our organization was launched on January 26, 2022. March 24, 2022, we obtained a group registration permit from the Fukaya City Board of Education. October 2022, we completed our group registration at the Fukaya City Social Welfare Council. We have started collaboration with Yoriimachi Lifelong Learning Division. October 14, 2023: Participated and collaborated with Roadside Station Okabe (Fukaya Kanko Bussan Co., Ltd.) to help plan an inbound monitor tour.

Media / Publication
November 4, 2022, the representative of our organization appeared on FM Fukkachan. December 2022 Published in Fukaya City Social Welfare Council's magazine "Yorisoi". April 2023: Our Japanese language class was featured in Fukaya City's free magazine "Seien". December 2023 Published in Fukaya City Social Welfare Council's magazine "Yorisoi".

Recruitment of student members
We are always recruiting student members.