Teacher / Volunteer instructor profile
We would like to introduce you to our volunteers instructors/ teachers.
※ We only publish people with their consent.

はる Haru
高校2年のHaruです。昨年度ニュージーランドに三ヶ月ほど留学していて、その時に取っていた日本語のクラスで日本語を教えていた経験を活かせるのではないのではないかと思い、このボランティアに参加することに決めました。現地にいる時にある日本語を学んでいる友達から、「私は」と「私が」の違いを問われた時に、うまく説明できなかったことをきっかけに、改めて日本語の難しさを実感しました。なので、少しでも楽しくわかりやすく教えることができたらと思います。 Hi, my name is Haru I’m second year of high school. I went to New Zealand last year for 3 months as an exchange student. Then I took a Japanese class in New Zealand. I have experience teaching Japanese in that class. Therefore I know how to teach and how people understand easier. From this experience, I would like to continue teaching Japanese. I think the most important thing when we study another language is speaking with a native speaker so let’s talk Japanese in our class!!

こんにちは、岡(おか)です。 私は、日本語教師と中学校の先生になるために、大学で勉強をしています。 私は、人に教える経験をたくさんしてきました。 塾の先生をしたり、ソフトボールを教えたり、子ども向けワークショップをしたり、高校生に大学について説明するイベントを運営したりなど、たくさんのことを経験しました。 日本語を教えたことは少ないですが、一緒に勉強しましょう! Hello,my name is Oka. I study to be a Japanese teacher and junior high school teacher in university. I have experience in teaching to children. For example,work part time at a cram school,teach softball,hold a workshop for kids and hold event which tells to high school students about university. I don’t have much experience teaching Japanese,but let’s study together. Selamat siang,nama saya Oka. Saya belajar menjadi guru bahasa Jepang dan guru SMP di universitas. Saya mempunyai pengalaman dalam mengajar anak-anak. Misalnya,bekerja paruh waktu di sekolah yang menjejali,mengajar softball,mengadakan lokakarya untuk anak-anak,dan mengadakan acara yang memberi tahu siswa SMA tentang universitas. Saya tidak punya banyak pengalaman mengajar bahasa Jepang,tapi mari belajar bersama.

Hi,Nice to meet you. I am the person in charge of our organization. Since I was in elementary school, I have studied English on my own and loved foreign music and movies. At the time, in Japan, compulsory foreign language (English) education began in junior high school. So, at the time, I might have learned it a little early. (Currently, from April 2020, English learning in compulsory education in Japan starting from the third grade of elementary school). Now, in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, we decided to establish this organization, and after a year of preparation, we started it in 2022. My main field of work has been Tokyo for a long time. But we started our organization in Fukaya City. This is because I wanted to engage in social welfare activities that would contribute to the present and future of the Japan we live in, and especially to the local community in which I live. This is because I wanted to utilize my love of languages to engage in activities where citizens could gather, learn from each other, interact, and do something positive in their daily and social lives. By the way, there is a term called "にほんご の かべ" , わかりますか? This is generally used to mean that "not knowing Japanese separates Japanese people from foreigners." Personally, I think of it as "The mountain of Japanese." When learning a language that is not your mother tongue, it is like walking up a mountain. It is. You can't reach the top all at once, so the image is to climb up little by little. And as you begin to "understand" it little by little, it will become fun and interesting in itself! However, learning a language that is not your mother tongue requires patience and persistence along the way. Therefore, it would be great if you could study with someone rather than learning alone! Furthermore, if it is a native (Japanese)...! ! Our organization believes that it is not just a learning experience, but a meaningful experience. In the spirit of "いちごいちえ", we will open a circle of learning and communication. いっしょ に、がんばりましょう! ⚫︎Qualifications: Japanese Language Teaching Proficiency Test ⚫︎What are some fond memories in Fukaya Hanazono? : When I was in elementary school, I won the Nippon Television Award for calligraphy. When I was in elementary and junior high school, I was the student council vice president. From the age of three, I was taking lessons in piano, swimming, abacus, kendo, and other subjects, and there wasn't much rest.

私は、事務局を担当しています。責任者のふくとは、高校生の時からの友人で、私も、英語が好きで、外国語の音楽や映画など、母がもともと好きなことも影響して、私も大好きです。一番好きで、心から尊敬している歌手は、マドンナです。いつも皆さんを応援しています!がんばってください! I am in charge of the secretariat. The person in charge, Fuku, has been a friend of mine since high school, and I also like learning foreign languages (English), as well as foreign language music and movies, influenced by my mother's natural love for them. The singer that I like and respect the most from the bottom of my heart is Madonna. I always encourage you. Everyone, please study hard!